Abdulrehman Khursheed
Encyclopedia of discriminated behaviour od COVID-19 in different regions of world. Why it is showing so adverse behaviour in some countries while, some countries are showing very little or no care aboutt COVID-19 despiter that there is no any effect on these countries. There is some reasons and there are some specific countries where COVID-19 showing very bad behaviour. On my twitter account a month before i posted that sooner russie will struck completely iwith COVID-19 at that time there were less than 1000 cases in Russia now check COVID-19 is grabbing Russia completely. There are some other countries where Covid-19 will exert lasting effect in upcoming weeks. I’ll describe about countries too and will give some reasons and justifications. Moreover there are some specific people regardless the age factor regardless aged factor whom COVID-19 killing while some specific people are recoving despite the age of 55+. I’ll give my reasons why this is so happening. Furthur countries with very best healthcare facilities possessing much death ratio than the countires with less or average healthcare facilities. I’ll describe all about these and many other points.
Published Date: 2020-09-17;