

Kancharla Alekya

LONGDOM Publishing is now handling the Journal of Patient Care with quality publication work. The Managing
Editors play a key role in progressing the quality work from beginning of gathering the manuscripts till the paper
publication through newly introduced various ways by following the strict guidelines of minimum 21 day peer review
and revision process. The Journal of Patient Care is receiving lot of attention and importance during this Covid-19
pandemic as patient care has become the major priority during illness. However patient care is the focus of many
disciplines- medicine, nursing, pharmacy, nutrition, therapies such as respiratory, physical, occupational and others.
Although the work of the various disciplines sometimes overlaps, each has its own primary focus, emphasis, and
methods of care delivery. In all disciplines, the quality of clinical decisions in part on the quality of information
available to the decision-maker. Our journal is providing open access to all the readers and helping to gather more
information regarding patient care and the importance of essential health care during COVID-19 pandemic through
the various articles published in our journals enhancing the safety measures of the individuals

Published Date: 2020-09-28; Received Date: 2020-08-14