
Determination of Proximate and Mineral Composition of Three Traditional Spices

Onimawo I A

Consequently, ginger, garlic and African nutmeg possessed varying proportions of the proximate components also as mineral elements. Though, African nutmeg controlled healthier dampness, residue, crude protein, crude fat and crude fiber contents with high sodium, zinc and iron mineral contents compared to other spices examined while garlic had a far better carbohydrate and calcium levels.

Zingiber officinalis Roscoe, commonly referred to as ginger belongs to family Zingiberoside’s cultivated commercially in India, China, South East Asia, West Indies , Mexico and other parts of the planet . It consumed worldwide as a spice and flavouring agent and is attributed to possess many medicinal properties (Ghosh., et al. 2011). Garlic (Allium sativum) is specie of the onion family and is employed as flavouring in cooking and pickling, sometimes within the sort of whole or grated cloves and sometimes within the sort of a cooked extract, as in sauces and dressing.

Published Date: 2020-09-17;