Mark W.A, Channya K.F., Chimbekujwo I.B. & Bristone Basiri
Studies on the control of Colletotrichum capsici was carried out using garlic oil, sheabutter oil and ash as treatments. Statistical tool for Applied Sciences (SAS) was used for this analysis and the experimental design used was Completely Randomized Design (CRD), each treatment was replicated four times. Data collected was analyzed using Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) and means that were significant were separated using the Least Significant Difference (LSD). The pathogen was isolated from infected pods on Potatoes Dextrose Agar (PDA). The pathogen was inoculated on a growth media containing garlic and sheabutter oil and ash with Concentration levels of 0.2ml, 0.5ml and 1.0ml/20ml. Garlic oil produced the inhibition zone of 65.66%; sheabutter oil gave 93.89% while ash yielded 76.25% inhibition. For in-vitro trail, at P<0.01 were significantly different from the control. Garlic oil reduced the diseases incidence and severity by 2.50 and 4.20mm respectively, sheabutter oil also reduced the disease incidence and severity by 1.70 and 4.20mm, while ash was effective by 1.70 and 1.70mm for both disease incidence and severity. Concentration of 2.0ml/kg, 5.0ml/kg and 10ml/kg were significantly different at P<0.01, with increased efficacy as concentration of treatment increases. From the laboratory findings, sheabuter oil gave the best control of the pathogen followed by ash whereas increase in concentration increases the control of the pathogen in-vitro. The screen house study revealed that ash produced the highest seedling growth and the best diseases control, followed by treatment with garlic, also increase in concentrations increased the control of the pathogen in-vitro.
Published Date: 2014-12-17;