
Contemporaneous Herpes zoster and Chicken Pox in a Child

Prashansa Jaiswal, Sundeep Chowdhry and Tapan Kumar Dhali

A 3 years old girl presented with a two day history of multiple fluid filled lesions on buttocks and back of left thigh. As informed by the child’s mother she had fever 4 days back along with generalized malaise, pain and discomfort on back of the left thigh. The pain was episodic, tingling in nature and radiated from buttocks to the leg. On examination, multiple fluid filled lesions of various sizes with surrounding erythema were present involving the S1, S2, S3 dermatome extending from buttock to the sole sparing few areas in between the vesicles. On further examination of whole body, there were multiple discrete fluid filled lesions on erythematous base ranging from 0.1 to 0.3 mm diameter in size on chest, abdomen and back. Multinucleated giant cells with acantholytic cells were found in Tzanck smears. Diagnosis of concurrent varicella with herpes zoster was made.