
Comparison of Simple Aspiration and Local Anesthesia-Assisted Multiple Puncture of Joint Capsule in the Treatment of Dorsal Wrist Ganglion Cysts

Sever Caglar, Oktay Adanir, Muhammed Uslu, Ozancan Bicer, Yasar Mahsut Dincel

Objective: Aim of the present study was to modify the multiple puncture method, by applying multiple puncture onto the joint capsule where the ganglion cyst originates under local anesthesia (not onto the wall of the ganglion cyst) and to compare the outcomes with simple cyst aspiration. Materials and methods: Study was conducted on 86 adult patients with a diagnosis of dorsal wrist ganglion cyst between 2015 and 2018. Local anesthesia-assisted capsular multiple puncture method was performed on 46 patients; ganglion cyst aspiration was implemented on 40 patients. Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) of the wrist was performed on both groups before the treatment. It was decided by the inspection technique whether there was a recurrence or not. Pain was evaluated with the Visual Analog Scale in patients who did not relapse and were treated with local anesthesia-assisted multiple puncture of the capsule. Results: Relapse rate was significantly lower in the local anesthesia-assisted multiple puncture of joint capsule group (p<0.05) when compared to simple cyst aspiration. The success rate in the local anesthesia-assisted multiple puncture of joint capsule group during a follow-up period of 19.85 months was 67.4%; the success rate in the simple cyst aspiration group during a follow-up period of 17.20 months was 12.5%. Conclusion: Multiple puncture of the capsule under local anesthesia which the ganglion cyst is originated has promising outcomes when compared with simple cyst aspiration. The success obtained in this study may be related to regeneration by creating bleeding in the capsule rich in cellular formations via multiple capsular puncture.

Published Date: 2022-10-03; Received Date: 2022-08-31