
Cognitive Function in Schizophrenia: A Review

Kaberi Bhattacharya

Schizophrenia is a mental disorder characterized by delusion, hallucination, formal thought disorder, disorganized or catatonic behavior, negative symptoms (e.g. emotional blunting, decreased initiative, impoverished speech etc.) and cognitive dysfunction. Though not described as diagnostic criteria, cognitive dysfunction is the strongest determinant of functional recovery as it has a gradual deteriorating effect on social and occupational functioning. It precedes coincides and outlasts positive symptoms. Among different cognitive abilities it affects attention, memory, processing speed, social cognition and executive function most. Recent studies are showing schizophrenia affects those who have compromised cognitive function or low IQ. Moreover different brain imaging techniques have shown structural and functional abnormality in certain areas. This article has tried to answer few questions like, are cognitive dysfunctions inevitable in schizophrenic patients and if it is then what are the areas what is the nature of affection. It is also important to know how and why they affect the long term outcome of this disorder.