Kamsvaag Ben
To study alcohol consumption in older Norwegian adults with symptoms of cognitive impairment, assess the consistency between reports of older adults and their immediate relatives about an individual's alcohol consumption, and examine the clinical and socio-demographic variables associated with the agreement. Alcohol consumption was measured in 3608 older adults seeking specialist medical care for symptoms of cognitive impairment. The agreement between the participant and his family members regarding the participant's alcohol consumption was rated with a weighted kappa (κ ). Logistic regression analysis for hierarchical data was used to examine variable associated with the match. Both participants and their family members indicated that more than 20% of participants drank one to three times a week, and that about 10% drank four or more times a week. The participant's relationship report for alcohol use was high (κ=0.852), and the variables associated with consent were no cognitive impairment, no alcohol in previous year or never as reported by the participant, and low levels of agitation on a psychiatric assessment.
Published Date: 2022-03-25; Received Date: 2022-02-04