
Coastal People Activity on Mangrove Forest Rehabilitation in Mahakam Estuary

Adriyani Samad, Azis Nur Bambang, Norma Afiati

Present condition shows that balance and environmental sustainability of mangrove forests in Mahakam Estuary (Delta Mahakam) area has changed which can result negative effect on people activity of coastal communities. Destruction of mangrove forest is caused by intervention and rapid population growth, especially in coastal areas, which result land use change and excessive utilization of natural resources. This condition can lead to degradation of mangrove forest. In order to rehabilitate mangrove forest, active participation from coastal community is needed. In this regard, this research was carried out in order to assess the perception and participation as well as strategies that can be implemented to improve community participation on mangrove forest rehabilitation. The research was conducted in five villages (Saliki, Salo Palai, Muara Badak Ulu, Muara Badak Ilir and Tanjung Limau), Formulation strategies was carried out using SWOT (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats) method through Focus Group Discussion which combined with Analytical Hierarchy Process to determine the priority of alternative strategies and policies on mangrove forest rehabilitation. The analysis shows that social factor which influences community’s participation towards the rehabilitation of coastal mangrove forest is perception variable. Strategy which is expected to improve community participation in mangrove rehabilitation activities is carried out by optimizing the strength factor and take advantage from the opportunities (Strengths Opportunities Quadrant Strategy). Based on formulated strategies, it can be obtained four priority alternatives which can be implemented to improve coastal community participation, i.e.: 1) Development of rural participatory for mangrove nursery; 2) Generates positive perception on the strengthening coastal communities about the advantage and functions of mangrove forests; 3) control upon re-vegetation and restoration of coastal areas resources which suffer from degradation and deforestation; and 4) Accelerate the establishment of Guidance Unit Team and Technical Guidance Unit of Mangrove Forest.