
Chemical Analysis during the Processing of Dried Salted Anchovy

Eko Nurcahya Dewi

Dried salted anchovy is a rich source of protein which is processed by boiling, salting and drying.
During processing the protein undergoes change, e.g. protein myofibril becomes denatured to some
extent , and it can be visualised using SDS-PAGE protein pattern. Protein can also react with lipid to
form brown colour mainly in high temperature. The result of the analyses shown that there were
differences in proximate composition between different samples of anchovy. There were not much
difference in sample band pattern for fresh , boiled , boiled and dried anchovy samples. The highest
solubility protein was found in the Indonesian dried salted anchovy while the lowest was in fresh
sample. The colour of boiled sample was the whitest in comparison to fresh, boiled and dried,
Indonesian dried salted anchovy and Japanese boiled. Except for Indonesian dried salted anchovy,
brown colour and development of lipid oxidation was not detected.