Sanjay Singh & Rupashree Singh
Effective control of malaria can make a major contribution to the attainment of international malaria targets by 2015. This study assesses awareness, ownership, and utilisation of mosquito nets among rural households. A community based cross-sectional study was performed in four villages of Aliero Local Government Area. Ninety percent of the inhabitants had awareness about the use of any type of beds nets either insecticide treated bed nets (ITNs) or non ITNs. ITNs awareness level of inhabitants was 64%; however, just 31.9% of them own ITNs and 68.1% owns non ITNs. The main reason of non possession of ITNs was due to unaffordability (68.8%) and non availability (23.9%). Education was observed to be significantly association with bed net usage behaviour. Indeed, respondents had adequate knowledge regarding bed net (ITNs and non ITNs). However, inhabitants had poor ownership and use of ITNs due to lack of availability and affordability. Therefore, ITNs should be made widely available, at a subsidize price or free to the entire rural communities.
Published Date: 2013-05-31;