The study was conducted in Coast region specifically in Kibaha, Kisarawe and Bagamoyo Districts. study aimed to determine water quality dynamics, pond characteristics and productivity; and nutritive values of feeds used in catfish farm. Water quality parameters was measured by water proof portable logging multi-parameter meter HANNA MODEL (H198194), feed samples were collected from catfish farmers and proximate analysis was conducted according to standard procedures given in Association of official Analytical Chemists (AOAC,1980), pond characteristics and productivity data were collected through self-administered questionnaires. Results indicated that Bagamoyo had highest temperature (29.94°C±1.70), pH (7.58±0.86) and DO (6.16ppm±0.76). Kisarawe showed highest TDS (1536.12ppm±2236.183) and Salinity (0.74±0.03), Kibaha indicated highest conductivity (1832/Ω/cm±60.69). The CP content was highest in feed sample A (32.96%) and lowest for feed sample E ( 16.85%), Feed C had highest crude fibre CF (11.04%) and sample A had lowest CF (0.36%). Feed A C had lowest EE (3.23%) and highest EE (9.76%) respectively. Highest and lowest fish yield, revenue and profit were recorded in Bagomoyo and Kibaha respectively, highest and lowest FCR were recorded in Kibaha (1.119) and Bagomoyo (0.794) respectively. The highest TDS was recorded in Kisarawe. Government should identify aquaculture zones, give subsidies to seed and feed manufactures so that farmers can incur little cost of production and impose inspections to feeds which are being manufactured.
Published Date: 2020-07-20; Received Date: 2020-06-22