Dr.Ehinola, G.B.
The study investigated the conflict management styles of rural and urban secondary school principals in Ondo State. The study was designed to find out whether school location and principals experience are related to conflict management styles. Descriptive survey designed was adopted for the study. The population for the study consisted of all secondary principals in Ondo state. There are 480 secondary principals in Ondo state. Simple Random sampling Techniques was used to select 150 principals in rural schools and 150 principals in urban schools. A research instrument titled ‘Principals Conflict Management Styles Questionnaire (PMSQ) was used for the study. Content and face validation were done by two experts in the department of Educational Management and the instrument was found suitable for the study. A test – retest reliability and Pearson’s Product Moment Correlation Analysis was used to estimate the reliability and found reliable at r=0.76. The t- test statistical tool was used to analyze the data. Hypotheses were tested at a significant level of 0.05. The study revealed that there is no significant difference in the conflict management styles of the principals in the rural and the urban areas, in Ondo State secondary schools (r.cal 0.838, r-tab 1.96). It also confirmed that there is a significant difference in the conflict management styles between the experienced and less experienced principals in Ondo State secondary schools (r. cal 2.42, tab 1.96). Hence, the possible conclusion was that experience has a significant influence in the management of conflict in secondary schools. Recommendations were made based on the finding among which include: school principals both in Rural and Urban areas should be given enough orientation and Training on how to manage conflict. Also, government should consider experience as one of the major factors to be used in the appointment of school principals.