
A Revolution in Quantum Computing is Underway: The Essence-Units and Energy States are Fundamental Programming Units

Michael Naich and Alexander Rybalov*

This proposal advocates using energy states as fundamental units for quantum computer programming. Each programming unit is conceptualized as an energy state, manifested as an essence-unit. The essence-unit, defined as the minimal form encapsulating complete uniqueness or specificity, serves as the cornerstone of this paradigm. This approach allows recording various forms of matter on quantum computers in essence-units representing their energy states.

Recording energy states is achieved through the creation of four distinct coherent potentials facilitated by quantum dots or crystals. It is important to note that these energy states, embodied in essence-units, cannot be subdivided. The study examines the intricate relationship between similarity, fractals, and uniqueness in quantum dot operations, elucidating their profound implications for information transfer efficiency. Normalized entropy quantifies the charge localization in quantum dot impurities in systems exhibiting distortions. Utilizing N-level recording and entropyfractal dimension equivalence enables this paper to elucidate the potential of quantum dots in reducing transmission time and modeling complex systems. The proposed methodology represents a significant departure from the current state of quantum computing, offering unprecedented potential for overcoming previously intractable challenges.

Published Date: 2024-08-23; Received Date: 2024-07-18