
A Glimpse on Indian Honey Exports in Global Market

Shanmuganathan S* and Gopalsamy S

The honey bee is one of humanity's most significant insects. Humans and honey bees are among the few creatures that benefit each other. The global organic honey market had 606.2 million U.S. dollars in 2019, and was forecasted to reach 923.6 million U.S. dollars by 2025. Honey production volume as of 2018 data, china stands tall with 31.4% production followed by turkey 6.9%, Russia 5%, Iran 5% other countries constitute roughly 41% production combinable. This research paper discusses the work flow involved in the export of Indian honey from peasants to manufacturers, as well as the regulatory requirements for exporting Indian honey to the worldwide market. The growth of the Indian honey industry has been significantly reduced in the last two years because of a wide range of factors. Measures implemented by the national bee board to reinvigorate the industry have been discussed.

Published Date: 2023-07-17; Received Date: 2023-05-09