Fidalgo J, Deglesne PA, Arroya R, Ranneva E and Deprez P
4-hexylresorcinol is the most studied and well known alkylresorcinol derivative, known for its pharmacological properties as anesthetic, antiseptic and anthelmintic. It can be both applied topically in creams and included as an active ingredient in throat lozenges. Its interest as a cosmetic ingredient is more recent and is increasing owing to its anti-oxidant, anti-glycation and melanogenic inhibitory properties and that it is safe to use. All those elements make 4-hexylresorcinol a cosmetic ingredient of choice for skin care products. This short review summarizes its mechanism of action and some evidences of its efficacy in certain biological processes of interest in skincare.
Published Date: 2019-03-20; Received Date: 2019-02-08